สอบถามราคาพิเศษโทร. 080-614-4774 หรือ LINE ID: @lightandsound
TOA WT-D5800 is a PLL-synthesizer controlled double super-heterodyne diversity receiver designed to be used with a UHF wireless system. Employing a digital reception system that is virtually immune to interference and noise, the WT-D5800 Wireless Receiver ensures stable radio signal reception. Additionally, this receiver features a host of convenient functions, such as external equipment control by way of contact outputs, and system status monitoring by way of its maintenance software, enabling highly reliable operation.
บริษัท ไลท์ แอนด์ ซาวด์ บิสิเนส จำกัด 7 ซอยโกสุมรวมใจ 29 แขวงดอนเมือง เขตดอนเมือง กรุงเทพ 10210 Tel : 02-981-0944 FAX:02-981-0744 Mobile:080-614-4774,098-565-9747 E-mail :lsbthai.com@gmail.com Website :https://www.soundprogroup.com , https://www.lsbthai.com